Tomorrow, on 2/25/2020, is Minnesota’s caucus night. Find out where neighbors aligned with your political Party will gather to elect local leaders, convention delegates & (for some) propose Party platform resolutions: https://caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us/
The purpose of the caucus is to elect local people who will help to lead the work of a particular political party, as well as to choose delegates to the Party’s Conventions, where state and U.S. candidates will be endorsed. Some Parties also use their Caucuses to propose “Resolutions,” which are vision or action statements that can become part of that Party’s platform.
Although 2020 Minnesota Caucuses will not vote on Presidential candidates, the Caucuses will pick Party Convention Delegates. If you want to nominate a particular Presidential candidate for your Party, or endorse local and U.S. candidates, the simplest way is to go to your caucus and run to become a delegate to your Local Convention (and when you get there, run again, to become a delegate to your County, State, and National Conventions). There are some differences by Party and state regions, but here’s the big picture:

There are SO many opportunities to make a difference in these 2020 elections. Why does that matter? Because these elected officials will be making laws and policies about #ClimateJustice and #GunSafety and #Immigration and #Housing and and #Education and #MassIncarceration and #CleanElections and #Gerrymandering and #DarkMoney and #VoterSuppression and #ConversionTherapy and…. ALL THE THINGS. Electoral politics is not the ONLY way to make changes but it is one of the most powerful ways. No win is ever permanent. No loss is ever final. Will you sign the #UUtheVote #VoteLove 2020 pledge? https://secure.everyaction.com/4iHNf7d2sU28yCmSa8s9nw2